There are strong established links with Furzebank Worship Centre. They support our school in many ways e.g through sharing their worship centre, leading worship, sharing prayer, undertaking joint craft projects and leading other initiatives such as Messy Church.

 We have undertaken a number of joint fund raising projects with the church including the St Giles Hospice, Children in Need, The Children’s Society and support for Njrange. On these occasions families across our Federation use the worship centre as a community centre to meet and raise funds.


Furzebank Worship Centre 

Church Details

Join us for 'Messy Church'

"close knit community"                                                               "made to feel welcome"
"I love the message of love and kindness"
"friendliness of staff"                                                       "good foundation for learning"
"we enjoy learning more about the Bible"

We asked parents and families attending a Messy Church session in March 2020 to share some feedback with us. Please find a document below with what they had to say. We asked them: 

How long have you been coming to Messy Church? 

What do you enjoy about it?

Any other comments...