Our Curriculum

“Every day, in Every way, Everyone Matters”


Our Vision

“Nurture, Grow, Flourish and .Fly

‘To uphold and promote our Christian values by creating a welcoming, vibrant, happy school where the wellbeing of our children and families are placed at the heart of everything we do. Through a creative and nurturing approach, we aim to actively engage, inspire and enable our children to grow, flourish and succeed beyond expectation, having discovered a real love for one another, for life and for learning.'

 “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ”

Our Curriculum Intent

What DRIVES our Curriculum?


We aim for our curriculum to:

Engage our children in a journey of learning and discovery.  We aim to make the learning exciting, relevant and purposeful.

In order to achieve this, we plan:

  • A termly ‘Learning Journey’ based on planned and structured experiences in order to develop the core skills outlined in the National Curriculum. We encourage children to take joint ownership of their journey and in response to their interests and needs, we give them freedom to adapt it along the way.
  • An integrated cross curricular approach. Wherever possible we link the learning experiences together in order to give purpose to each and every lesson.
  • A Spectacular Start – we find ways to excite the children at the start of each journey.  We consult with the children, we are interested in their ideas of how they want the journey to go.
  • Marvellous Middle – we continue to plan exciting opportunities along the way. We allow the children to have their say in the context for learning.  We transfer core skills into new, relevant and exciting contexts. At the half term mid point, we set a family learning project to inspire children ready for the next phase of their journey.
  • Fantastic Finish – we make the journey memorable. We celebrate the learning that has taken place.  We evaluate the journey.  What new skills have we learnt? How would we change it next time?  Where are we going next on our journey?
  •  We place Literacy at the heart of every lesson – (Sp & L, reading or writing.
  • We ensure core literacy and numeracy skills are transferred and practised throughout all areas of the curriculum and not just limited to Literacy or Numeracy lessons.
  • We use high quality texts ‘Treasured Texts’ to provide a meaningful context to the learning.


We aim to Enrich and enhance our curriculum.  We aim to develop creativity and spirituality alongside academic achievement.  We aim to enhance the learning opportunities for our children through using the outdoor environment and through promoting a healthy lifestyle.    Extra -curricular opportunities will develop core knowledge, skills and attitudes .

In order to achieve this aim, we plan:

  • A programme of extracurricular clubs
  • Visits/visitors to bring the journey alive
  • Outdoor learning experiences
  • Community links
  • Use of the Library to develop and extend research skills
  • Opportunities to develop and promote social, moral, spiritual and cultural learning
  • Church links
  • Themed days 


We aim to inspire our children so that they want to take their learning outside the classroom.  We want to develop a love of learningindependence and a willingness to take responsiblity for a their own learning.

In order to achieve this aim, we plane for:

  • Lots of Talk! Talk! Talk! We place high priority on developing children’s speaking and listening skills. We encourage children to verbalise their learning journey every step of the way.  Children contribute to planning the journey and evaluating each stage in the process.
  • Assessment for Learning strategies - we share clear Learning objectives (WALT) and success criteria (REMEMBER TO...).  We ensure children are clear about what they are learning,  whether they have been successful and where to go next.
  • A Collaborative approach – we develop collaborative group work in the classroom which gives purpose to the learning experiences that we offer.
  • A high quality ‘inspirational learning environment’ to motivate children and encourage independent learning.
  • Opportunities to learn outside the classroom – we plan visits, share community links and use outdoor learning to motivate our children.
  • Family Learning projects – we set creative family learning projects to encourage families to explore the new learning further at home.


Ultimately we aim to ensure our children attain, progress and achieve above and beyond our highest expectations.

In order to achieve this aim, we plan:

  • Coverage of the National Curriculum , progression of key skills, differentiation and attention to learning styles to meet the needs of all our children.
  • Assessment opportunities – we use daily formative assessments and regular summative assessments to inform appropriately pitched planning and next steps in learning.
  • Intervention – identified and delivered at the earliest opportunity to enable children to close any gaps in knowledge and understanding.
  • Tracking - we track cohorts, classes and all key groups in order to monitor the achievement of all children and intervene rapidly where required.
  • Monitoring -we monitor the quality of provision through scrutiny of data, work, teaching and learning and by asking children for their views.