Collective Worship is a valued, integral part of daily school life for all pupils at Rosedale C of E Infant School. 


The main aim of Collective Worship here at Rosedale C of E Infant School is for it to be meaningful and relevant for all pupils and staff, whatever their faith background, set within the Anglican Christian tradition of the school. 


Through this and in the general ethos of the school we seek to promote our school motto: 

"Every day, in every way, everyone matters."


It is a time where we come together to share our love of God and celebrate our achievements together. The worship of the school is based on promoting our Christian Values which permeate the ethos of the school. As such, the contributions of pupils, staff, church clergy and others visitors are valued highly. 


Aims of Collective Worship and Assembly

At our school we understand that Collective Worship and Assembly are not the same thing but it is usual for an act of Collective Worship to take place during an assembly, either as a small part of the assembly or its entirety. 



Through our worship at Rosedale C of E Infant School we:

  • blend Christian teaching and Values Education in order to create opportunities for children to develop physically, emotionally, personally, socially, mentally and intelligently so that their self-esteem and well-being is sound and supported by ever growing emotional intelligence, leading to an understanding of their rights and responsibilities as young citizens. 
  • create an atmosphere in which God is both normal and natural and aim to explore and enjoy the rituals and traditions of the Christian faith. 
  • assist pupils in developing a sense of awe and wonder and promote sensitivity to the mysteries of life. 
  • aim for pupils to grow an awareness of God.
  • give children a context for allowing an individual to develop a faith to live by and make a spiritual response if it is appropriate to them. 



An assembly is a gathering of part or all of the school and evokes a sense of belonging. It develops a sense of community and shared values, enhancing the ethos of the school. 

Through our assemblies at Rosedale C of E Infant School we:

  • give an opportunity to celebrate achievements of individuals and groups, giving a sense of value and worth. 
  • consider the needs of others and the environment as well as encouraging and supporting our charitable works (see our Charity page on our website to find out more information). 
  • aim to challenge and inspire by fostering a thought provoking atmosphere. We begin many assemblies by introducing the children to a 'Big Question' such as "What if love didn't exist in the world?"


Weekly Worship 

Monday - Christian Value for the term - this term's Christian Value focus is 'Love'.

Tuesday - Christian calendar or core concepts. The 'Christian Value Crew' meet with Mrs Sheldon once every half term to plan our own worship and the children help Mrs Sheldon to deliver this with the children. 

WednesdayClass Based Worship - class teachers 'dig deeper' following on from Tuesday's act of worship. We discuss this further and allows more of an opportunity for children to discuss this on a more personal level. Each week either Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 use the Worship Centre for this.

Thursday -  Hymn Practice 

Friday -  Celebrate and Smile


Other Daily Acts

Reflection and prayer at the beginning of the day, before lunchtime and at the end of the day 

The lighting of the candle to remember that Jesus is with us which helps to create a calm. reflective atmosphere 

Each classroom also has its own 'Reflection Area' - children know they can use this area as a place to reflect, pray and connect with God